Kent Schools Award for Resilience & Emotional Wellbeing
Posted on: 06/12/2019Kent Schools Award for Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing
Barton Court Grammar School is proud to announce that we have been awarded the Kent Schools Award for Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing. We are one of the first schools in Kent to be presented with this Award, which recognises the whole school approach to supporting the Wellbeing of our School Community. The Award was presented by David Weiss, Head of HeadStart Kent to the Executive Headteacher, Ms K Cardus, and the Chair of Governors, Mr D Rogers at a special assembly on Friday 6 December. The Assembly was attended by Y10 students, who are involved with the longitudinal study measuring the effectiveness of the project, along with the wellbeing representatives and peer mentors across the School.
As part of the project so far, over 100 students have been trained as peer mentors, all staff have been trained in resilience domains and domains based conversations, with Pastoral Leaders having enhanced training. 15 staff have been trained in Mindfulness techniques to support student and staff wellbeing, 3 staff have trained as Youth Mental Health First Aiders, and 9 additional staff, 8 Sixth Form Students and 20 parents have completed the Youth Mental Health First Aid Lite Course. We have also benefited from online training in Youth Mental Health First Aid.
The funding received from the project has enabled the development of a fully resourced wellbeing room for students, which will continue to develop in the future, based on feedback from students. Student Voice has formed a significant part of this project, and led to the development of a Student Wellbeing Forum Team being set up in the School. In addition, all students are being surveyed on a termly basis to inform further developments to support wellbeing.
Barton Court Grammar School remains committed to supporting student and staff wellbeing, and it has been an honour to benefit so far from the learning from the HeadStart Project. We are excited to develop this learning still further to enable our students to develop the resilience required to thrive in the ever-changing, modern world.