March Events for BCGS Talented Music Students
Posted on: 18/03/2025This week, talented students at Barton Court Grammar School were invited to participate in events with professional musicians. A Level Woodwind players were invited to attend a concert at the Cathedral Lodge featuring the Festival Chamber Orchestra, with soloist Ian Crowther (oboe) and renowned saxophonist John Harle.
The concert was an excellent example of chamber music, which linked directly to their A Level studies and their own performance practise (as some of the repertoire has been performed within school ensembles). We like to thank Ian Crowther for welcoming us.
Students from Years 9, 10, 12 and 13 were also invited to attend a careers' lecture at Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU), hosted by Robert Stillman (The Smile), lecturer in popular music. In this session, he outlined the wide variety of careers that studying music could lead to and provided real life examples of student successes within the music industry. The lecture ended with a tour of the university facilities within the specialist Daphne Oram Building, which students were excited to see!
We are keen to return to CCCU later in the year to take part in some practical workshops.